Friday, 21 June 2013

A Party That Was NO GOOD - SUCK IS FREE Launch Night!

My attendance to my first ever launch event and it was crazy as hell. What a way to end a traumatising week of uni exams! SUCK IS FREE held their launch last night at a basement +ESTATEofMIND and it went off! A mix of crazy designs, crazy designers, crazy bloggers, crazy dogs and just general craziness made the night amazing. It was an awesome night for me and I thank A Series Of Fortunate Events and SUCK IS FREE for having me there. Everyone looked awesome in their gear, because not only do #UKNOWIAMNOGOOD, everyone was just badass.

How good is this?!


+ESTATEofMIND was excellently set up. The decor was so awesome and showed of a lot of their super interesting pieces as well as the highlights of the night, SUCK IS FREE. It was great to see everyone dressed up ready to kill it and showcase some of the most creative and out-there pieces SUCK IS FREE had to offer. The bold prints and in your face attitude is what +ESTATEofMIND and SUCK IS FREE is all about.

Shannon and Pam with silly string guns

Chris, Sporty Spice and Paulini killin it

Pixelhazard and Poloniumblonde

With Natalie from Lucy and the Runways

Love Crystal (and the SIF cap rim)

Gabriel Lee, Victoria, Anthea Lau and Jen

We were all on the Magic School Bus: Phoenix Keating and Jenya (who calls me Antoine Léon)

Pernilla has sick style and loves Pokemon

Hmm.. I'm thinking that the iPhone camera is not sexy enough. Oh and everyone loved googly eyes ha! Also, the coolest thing was free vodka, oh hi. I was so lucky to have met everyone I did meet last night. Everyone was super friendly and approachable.It was such a great party (and after party). Best of luck to SUCK IS FREE!


  1. Hi I'm Mari carmen moon,
    I'm following you, I like your style!!!. Follow ;D

    1. Thanks Mari, actually I have already been following you and Jose for some time now :D

  2. Great meeting you - You rocked the googly eyes!

    the ladida
