Friday, 19 April 2013

LOOKBOOK | Between Warm and Cold

Since Bambino is so persistent but mainly because always kind of wanted to, I've decided to start using the lookbook I've had for over a year.

I got quite annoyed at the weather for the past couple of weeks because it's randomly cold, then hot, then hurricanes. What's going on. Actually, that's normal Sydney weather being bi-polar. Anyway this look is good for today, it's quite sunny but windy. Don't rain on my suede boots thanks! Cap? Practical against UV and a nice addition.


  1. Persistence pays off okey? Remember me when paparazzi chase you in the streets of Madrid. By the way, I really like your sweater.

  2. There's a unique and relaxed charm to your style. Looking good ;)

    xoxo Gozika
